Sunday, January 3, 2010

if the shoe fits...

"Life is too short for cheap wine and cheap shoes."


In 2009, I bought 10 pairs of shoes.  I'm sure to some that seems like just a drop in the bucket, while to others, it seems extravagant.  From where I sit, it's somewhere in the middle, but as I think about it, at least 50-60% of those purchases were unnecessary, by definition making them a bit of a luxury.  Don't get me wrong--I love and wear every pair, but did I NEED them?  Not so much. 

So, in support of resolution/goal #2 for 2010, which is save money/be a more conscious consumer, I am officially announcing:  I will buy no more than 4 pairs of shoes in 2010.  Yes, my hands are shaking as I type this, but seriously, this should not be a hardship.  In fact, it will ensure that the pairs I do buy are even MORE fabulous (if that's possible).

Another area I've identified for cutback is book purchasing.  I can't even put a number to that--or don't want to think about it at least.  So, the rule for books: no more than 6 new books in 2010.  How to do it?  First, the resource of my own bookshelves which hold more unread books than I care to admit.  Second, paper back swap, which is a great resource.  Currently, I have 36 credits there (a credit=a book) to spend.  Third, while it's not always the most convenient, there's always the library!  I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that these book and shoe limits can save me close to a $1000 a year. 


That was a hard but much needed look at reality.

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